Think, Feel, Speak, Write, Do...
"A guide to fulfilling your divine purpose in life."

Excerpts from the book...



An Inside Look...

Chapter  5  - Do  

• Think your way to fulfilling your purpose
• You can change your thinking
• It takes work to change your mind
• Focus your thoughts
• Practice thinking
• Throw out negative thoughts
• Think God thoughts
• Control your emotions and feelings
• Feel your way to fulfilling your purpose
• Choose your words wisely
• Speak your way to fulfilling your purpose
• Use what you have
• Write your vision and make it plain
• Discovering your purpose in life

Epilogue  - What Now?  


“ Just DO it!”

I hope you enjoyed your look into this powerful, self-motivating, life changing manual and workbook. You have only begun to scratch the surface of what could be the beginning of tremendous awareness of purpose and plan for your life.

Thinking, feeling, speaking, writing and doing is the process we all can use to fulfill our divine purpose in life. Many of us are frustrated, confused, lack enthusiasm and are going through the motions of life because we are not doing what we have been created to do. We have settled for the world's definition of who we are rather than agreeing with God, who has created us ON PURPOSE.
For those who are challenged to live a rich and satisfying life or those who have that nagging intuition that there is more to life than what you are living, read and apply what you find on the following pages. Begin to think often, and with passion, the thoughts that support your purpose in life. Then, watch things begin to happen for you. These intentional thoughts literally create situations and circumstances that will guide you toward fulfilling your divine purpose. 

Cautiously speak these thoughts only to those who support your goals. Carefully write your vision, clearly and concisely. Be determined and diligent to do what you have discovered and you will begin to fulfill your true, God-given purpose in life. Get started today!